I can create my own work life balance

Hi, my name is Alan I cover the Maddington and other areas just south of Perth, and have been doing this for over 8 years.
In a previous life I was a butcher. While this is obviously quite a change I bought some skills with me like the importance of looking after customers and having a “can do” attitude. I think this has helped me grow my business.
For me the best part of being a franchisee with the Car Care group is I can create my own work life balance, set my own hours while still considering all my clients requirements, with this I get job and life satisfaction.
While generally my business runs smoothly like anything you get the odd hiccup, my most frustrating problem is equipment failure, (I use quality equipment as do all franchisees in our group) luckily this isn’t a regular occurrence. I pride myself on being able to deliver a professional service and when I am unable to because of a breakdown it is a frustrating feeling. However this rarely happens and there is nothing better than getting a client’s car looking as good or better than when they bought the car, just the look on their face, priceless!

Alan Cundall Maddington Franchise Owner Car Care Western Australia

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