The attached form is to be used to inform Car Care Australia of a Renewal, Assignment or New Franchisee.

The following items should have been sent to the prospective franchisee at least 14 days prior to the Franchise Commencement Date shown on the form:


Information Statement – not required for Renewals

Key Facts Sheet

Previous Territory Statement – not required for Renewal and Assignments

Copy of the current Franchising Code

Draft Franchise Agreement

Your State Disclosure Document

All these items are in the Dropbox – Legal – Disclosure Docs and Current FA’s – your state

Franchisee information for new Franchise Agreement (1)

This form is to provide details of new franchisee in order to draw up legal documents. It also applies to franchise assignments and renewals.

Car Care - Primary Suburb Name
Before completing the attached you need to ensure that you have provided the incoming franchisee with the following information at least 14 days prior to the Commencement Date.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Details of Incoming Franchisee/s

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Select one of the following(Required)
Address of Franchisee 1(Required)
If company, this needs to be the Registered Office
If company, please list Directors in Guarantors Section.
Address of Franchisee 2
Address if different
This should be the prime contact
Nominated Manager
This is their current email address
This should contain a minimum of 8 digits and at least one number and 1 character (@#$%)
Full name of guarantor
Address of Guarantor 1
Address of Guarantor 1 - if different to Company
Address of Guarantor 2
Address of Guarantor 2

Upfront Fees

Ongoing Fees

DD slash MM slash YYYY


List all suburbs included in Opus contract
List all Postcodes included in Opus contract

Special Conditions

Legal Compliance

The following documents are required before Franchise agreements will be prepared:
Max. file size: 128 MB.
Max. file size: 128 MB.
Not required on Assignments or Renewals
Max. file size: 128 MB.
Max. file size: 128 MB.