Why Franchising

3 10, 2018

Why should I choose a franchise instead of just starting my own business?

2018-10-03T17:30:14+08:00October 3rd, 2018|Categories: |

It is well documented that franchise businesses are more likely to be successful in the long term than standalone start-up businesses.  In his bestselling book The E-Myth, Michael Gerber observed that “Franchise Businesses have reported a success rate of 95% in contrast to the 50%-plus-percent failure rate of new independently owned businesses.” You are buying [...]

4 07, 2018

What does the franchise agreement include?

2018-10-03T17:29:56+08:00July 4th, 2018|Categories: |

The Franchise Agreement sets out the terms, fees and obligations of the various parties. We will supply you a copy of this agreement at least 14 days before you are able to sign it in order that, should you choose, you can take it to a Solicitor and fully understand it’s content. We also encourage you to [...]

4 07, 2018

Why does the agreement have a Term?

2018-08-02T10:37:53+08:00July 4th, 2018|Categories: |

Every franchise agreement has what is most commonly referred to as a "Term".  This is essentially because the Franchisor owns the Intellectual Property and licences that to the franchisee for a period of time. Depending on the Franchise System this can vary but in most mobile operations, where there isn't a property lease involved, the [...]

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